Saturday, January 30, 2010

Now "where" or "what" but "how"

Life is hard. Sometimes i get so caught up in what is happening in other peoples lives, and trying to give them hope and encouragment that God will redeem what has happened, that i don't realize how i am letting my own life spin out of control. And then, funny enough, i feel hopeless. A good friend spoke at chapel yesterday about the valley that God is taking him through right now. And even though it feels like hell, there is so much good that is happening in it. Yet i have a hard time keeping that perspective when i begin to dip into this valley...i see only destruction and mourning, and no light at the end of it. A few nights ago i began questioning why God brought me to place that He did. All i feel is weak, alone, sad, and unworthy. And i began to question if this is the right place, or if i would be of better use, and happier somewhere else...serving orphans in India, working at a bakery, or even waitressing. Anywhere but here seemed good. And than God began to work in the funny way that only He can. I have a devotional book with exerpts from Henri Nouwens writings. I don't look at it very often, but when i do, the next passage seems to always be exactly what i need to hear. So i opened the book up to my bookmark and began reading:
"Today, I realized that the question of where to live and what to do is really insignificant compared to the question of how to keep the eyes of my heart focused on the Lord. I can be teaching at Yale, working in the bakery at the Genesee Abbey, or walking around with poor children in Peru and feel totally useless, miserable, and depressed in all of those situations. I am sure of it, becasue it has happened. There is not such as thing as the right place or the right job. I can be happy and unhappy in all situations. I am sure of it, because i have been. I have felt distraught and joyful in situations of abundance as well as poverty, in situations of popularity and anonymity, in situations of success and failure. The difference was never based on the situation itself, but always on my state of mind and heart. When i knew that i was walking with the Lord, i always felt happy and at peace. When i was entangled in my own complaints and emotional needs, i always felt restless and divided. It is a simple truth that comes to me in a time when i have to decide about my future. Coming to Lima for 5, 10, or 20 years is no great decision. Turning fully, unconditionally, and without fear to the Lord IS."
I am amazed easily i did become consumed by self-doubt, fear, and depression, and how easily i forgot this simple truth. I may end my day in sadness, but i will begin it with hope, that the God of redemption will be faithfull as He always is.

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